Questions and answers
Please do not flame me for having my own opinion and stance on these matters as some may be sensitive debates.
Question 1: Do you think the benefits of economic growth outweighs the negatives?
I think that the benefits of economic growth overweighs the negatives. Why? First, we must understand that economic growth refers to the increase in the amount of goods and services produced in accordance with the population over a period of time. The positive scale of economic growth will bring a higher average income as well as lower the rate of unemployment which is much needed. Other than that, the government's borrowings will also be lowered and public services can be improved. Moreover, money can then be spent on protecting the environment due to the higher real GDP, we can afford to devote more resources in promoting the practice of 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).
Question 2: Is inequality between individuals normal in any society? Is it a cause for concern?
Unfortunately, inequality between individuals is seen as "normal" in society and based on my opinion, I strongly think that this is a cause for concern. Why? Because we are all human, and we are all from one race, the "human race". I think that gender equality should be implemented. Some may argue that they should not send a woman to do a man's job or vice versa. However, if their capabilities fit with the job or task, why not give him/her a chance? Their potential is dying to shine out for the world to see, but instead, we have allowed ourselves to judge and throw people into categories. The rich and the poor. Male or female. The poor have done nothing wrong to deserve to be treated differently from those well-off. I think, that for the sake of humanity, we should all rethink the opportunities we are all fit to have, regardless of social statuses or genders. In conclusion, we all share the same race, the "human race", and we are all looking to cross the finish line just like everyone else. Think about it.
Question 3: Do you think governments should be responsible for developing a country's infrastructure?
Based on my opinion, I do not think that the government is entirely responsible for developing a country's infrastructure. Sure, they hold a larger scale of responsibility as they have the authority to approve of the action. However, we share one country, therefore, I think that the responsibility is shared among us all. This is because our tax funds also goes into the building funds and road funds, etc. Other than that, private companies also share the responsibilty for developing a country's infrastructure, of course, they would need the government's approval if it were to be built on the land owned by the government. However, the private companies who take no innitiative to develop the infrastructure also do not have to seek any approval from the government. So, from both sides, the government is liable to approve of such development projects as well as innitiate their own projects to develop the infrastructure. Indeed, the pressure is on the government. What about us? What about the private companies? Nobody voiced out or brought up a project to develop the infrastructure, how then, shall the responsibility be only on the government's shoulder? If there was an argument stating that a project proposal had been raised but disapproved or neglected by the government then it shall be viewed a different case. For now, I shall stick to my stance as stated in my first sentence.
Question 4: Should e-sports be categorized as sports?
Yes, I definitely agree that e-sports should be categorized as sports. To support my my stance, I shall first start off with the definitions of these two terms. E-sports is known as electronic sports, whereby it is a term for organized, competitive computer gaming. These "competition" are usually between professionals. Sports, however, is an activity involving any physical exertion or skill that allows the individual or his team to compete against others for entertainment. The way I see it, these two are similar, the only difference is that one is done physically and the latter is done virtually. To further support my opinion, e-sports also requires physical exertion (usually on a keyboard) and requires strategic skill to come out victorious.