I was required to take up Personal Development as it is compulsory for my course. I did not know what to expect from each session and therefore turned up for class with anticipation. However, I had a lot of fun throughout the duration of this module. The activities were unexpected, and I was pushed to adapt to changes since we are unable to choose our own group members. This forced me to break out of my comfort zone which led me to mix around with others.
I think that this module has served great importance to self discovery. This is because the module required me to do activities such as SWOT. By doing so, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Other than that, I could also analyse my threats and spot opportunities. By actually sitting down to complete the SWOT, I was able to understand myself more. That said, I now have the opportunity to improve on my weaknesses. Furthermore, it had also helped me to grow as a person. I especially loved the activities such as "Note to a stranger" and the whole concept of the "Secret letter". I feel that it is a good practice for us to compliment each other as the world needs more positiveness being shared around. As they say, kindness goes a long way. Moreover, I learned to work better in a team, especially when the members were assigned randomly at each session.
This can be applied to my life, both professional and personal. First of all, I understand that sometimes, life does not give me what I want. For example, I cannot always expect to work with the same group of people, and I cannot always expect to receive whatever I want. Second of all, I must be adaptable to change and also flexible to compromise with other people. Other than that, there were also many opportunities for me to communicate with others. Therefore, a chance to harvest my interpersonal and communication skills. Through this module, I was able to keep track of my own development and goals. Clearly, I still have much to improve on.