1. Personal Life / Family
To improve relationship between family and to learn the Kadazan Language from my grandmother while also spending time with her and carrying down the language. This is because I am currently only able to listen and speak a little of the language. I hope to achieve this goal by the end of this year (2017).
2. Academic / Career
To be able to apply what I have learned in university into practice. I aim to find a job and have one secured once I am done with my studies. This can be done by self exposure to companies and attend interviews while letting my potential shine. Other than that, I must remember that I am studying for the sake of passion towards the field rather than just the marks. This goal must be achieved by end of my degree, which is in 2019.
3. Personal Life
To be able to make my first million and give back to my mother. My goal is to make her proud by achieving my dreams in becoming a computer forensic investigator. This can be achieved by keeping a positive attitude and giving my best to everything I do. Moreover, time investment can be made into other fields and skills to give myself a competitive advantage and do freelancing. This goal must be achievable before I turn 30.